Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Earth Day!

So, in light of Earth Day, we are actually making more of an effort to be environmentally cautious. We already recycle all of our plastic, aluminum, and newspapers. It's easy here, since we have a recycle trash bin. So, now we are moving on to bigger things. Since I am an admitted paper towel - aholic, there is no way I can change that. So for now we have changed to environmentally friendly cleaners, we switched to Green Works (by Clorox), and it works great! We also changed our light bulbs and we shouldn't have to change them again until we move. We've also bought a bunch of reuseable bags for the grocery. My next move is to try Eco-friendly dishwasher detergent & laundry soap.
Berkley's school had a fun Earth Day assembly and project contest. They also had stations set up that we rotated through to learn more about the Earth and the reasons for recycling & taking care of it. Anyway, there was a Recycled Material Art Project that they could enter. Berkley decided to make a wind chime. We used a paper plate & hung plastic forks & spoons and old soda cans from it. She won 2nd place! She's helping to keep us GREEN!


the stone fam:) said...

i cant wait till averi starts school then she will learn more about all that kinda stuff cuz u know im not the sharpest tool in the shed!! thats fun though

Robison's said...

Thats what we need to do.
I throw everything away. its good to see how much you guys like it over there. The girls seem to be adjusting well. Does Berk do english is school or just the japan language?