Monday, July 14, 2008

The Countdown is on. . .

So, we are offically counting down. I've actually been counting down for a long time - but now we can actually tell people without them thinking we are freaks. We have 30 days left! We (mainly me) are hoping that he doesn't take much more time than that. We are so eager to get him here.
Ed's parents are coming in a few weeks and we are so excited to have them visit! Despite the insane heat & humidity - it should be a fun time of showing them around our new 'hood. We are keeping extremely busy with work, the girls, and church. Our poor branch is dwindling down. This past Sunday we found out that we lost another family & we are going to lose 2 more within the next few months. We are going to be down to about 7 families - and they are not large ones, either. It's an interesting experience, but we are enjoying it.
We are busy trying to get the house situated for Scott. We had things pretty much organized, until Berkley decided to be a Jaguar and fractured her skull. Ed decided no more bunk beds and that started the 'fruit basket turn over'. Now, all the rooms are in uphevel. We could only fit their beds in the room we were going to have Scott in. So, we are back at square one, trying to organize once again.
I've been trying to download/upload pictures to post, and I've been running into problems. So, hopefully, we'll get it figured out soon. I may be switching back to our other website - just because I had it all figured out. I'll keep you posted. . .hehehe


thedave said...

good to hear all is well with you guys. miss you guys. talk to you later

Robison's said...

Finally you posted some news. I try and check your blog often but you haven't posted anything. I am so excited for your new arrival. I wish you guys the best. Can't wait to see new pictures of everyone.

Coop, Trish, and the kids said...

I googled you! Ha ha. Come check us out and post some pics of the new addition.

Seven Rivers said...

Are you ever going to update this? I mean really, what else could you have going on right now? We'd really like to see some pics of the babe