Thanks to Kami - I have been tagged! So, here are 7 things that you may not know about me. I agree with Kami, this will be hard, since I'm usually an open book.
1 - I miss working. I love my kids, but I miss adult interaction.
2 - I hate 1pm church.
3 - I would not mind never going to Idaho again - not because of the people, I would want ot see you (maybe we could meet elsewhere) - but I hate the weather!
4 - I love TV (I am also addicted to GH!)! My new addiction is 'In the Motherhood', although it's online - it's the same concept.
5 - I have OCD. (okay, so that may not be a secret)
6 - I can cook various dishes from Japan, China & the Phillipines.
7 - I am an excellent dessert cook!
That was very difficult! There are some things I can't say - people would hate me. . .