I can't decide. It's a little of both, I guess. So, we'll start with the good news: Well, I found out today, that my insides aren't dying. That's good, healthy body. Woohoo! Also, I found out that I have about 3x's the amount of amnionic fluid that is necessary. So, if you happen to be running low, I got your back. Even though 3x's is a lot, I was guaranteed that it's not too much. So, it's not like I'm a freak. Just for people in my 'age range', I have 3x's the minimum level. So, we need not worry. So, what could the bad news be? Well, that my insides aren't dying, so there is no need to have a baby anytime soon. I'm good to just hang out and wait it out. Woohoo! I am due back next Friday for the same round of tests.
On another note - should one be concerned when they are not surprised by the stupid things that the Dr's do? Back, about 20 weeks ago, I had my first ultrasound. The tech told me that by my measurements, blah, blah, blah, that the due date should be April 15 (per my LMP, it is April 13). So, my Dr here, at Zama says, not to worry, it's only a couple of days, and he doesn't feel we should change it. On Monday, when I went to my 1st appt in Yokosuka, the Dr said that, in the system, my date was April 15. Hmmm . . . Then, I got a copy of my file and perused it and saw on the actual ultrasound print out, where it says April 15 (by measurements), and the Dr's writing saying, not to change it. So, then, who changed it? Normally, I know people would be saying, "So what? Who cares?" (said in Fred Armisen's
Joy Behar impersonation) I will tell you why I care. It's because 2 days, is a big deal here. Especially, when it can take 2 hours to get to the hospital. See, here at Camp Zama, we don't have a hospital. So, the Medical Clinic pays for only 10 days of lodging/housing (called Stork Nesting) down on Yokosuka. If they change my due date, then I am not approved for Stork Nesting until April 6. So, that's 1 week prior to my actual due date. Not only that, but Scott was 2 weeks early. So, just a little frustrating, especially when you have no clue if you'll be early, late, or on time. Just some extra things to have to worry about. The Dr I saw today, was actually the Dr who delivered Scott. It was great to see her. She remembered us and everything. She took charge and wrote me up a note to have the due date changed back. Now, I have to deal with the Clinic here - no fun! Anyway, that is my rant for the day, along with my progress report - or maybe I should call it my 'non-progress report'.
Here is something else that I entertained myself with on my 2 hour drive, in nasty traffic, this morning. The Japanese have some of the best names of cars. Not the make - but the model. I seriously need to start a list of these names. Just today I saw 3 of the best ones - I truly don't think anyone can beat these, but if you can let me know. 1st, I saw a Scrum (I believe it's from Mazda, but could be Suzuki), then I saw a Sparky (that was a new one - but I didn't get to see the make) and the last one I saw was A Suzuki Every - they are all over, but this one was a Turbo JoyPop. I wonder if the Japanese have awards for the oddest name?! They really should. I think that has got to be one of the best jobs in Japan!